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Improving the Health, Fitness and Wellbeing of our Members since 2012
CrossFit Guildford was established in 2012
Here, at CrossFit Guildford & Guildford Weightlifting, we all train together. Everyone knows everyone else and we spur each other on to work as hard as we can in a fun, supportive environment.
We welcome all ages and all levels of ability.
Small classes mean Coach to Athlete ratio is high.
All our CrossFit Trainers are CrossFit qualified.
All our Weightlifting Coaches are British Weightlifting qualified.
Our Coaching Team
Henry: Head Coach and Director CrossFit Level 3 Trainer. British Weightlifting level 2 Coach.
Competitive Weightlifter. Programmes all the Workouts and training schedules.
Coaches and competes in Weightlifting at International level.
Suzanne: Coach and Owner
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer . British Weightlifting Level 1 Trainer.
Twice CrossFit Games AG Quarter finalist . Competitive Masters Weightlifter at International level
Mandy: Coach
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer. Personal Trainer.
Coaches our members at CrossFit Competitions. Coaches Weightlifting at International level.
Majo: Coach
CrossFit Level 2 Trainer. Massage Therapist.
Competitive CrossFitter
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